Monday, August 5, 2013

Drink Me!

Todd's last post made me laugh out loud. Thank you, Baby!

We tell each other the other one is perfect often, sort of goes like "you're perfect", "no, you're perfect", "nope, it's you", "na, all you ", "like so totally you" (in our best 1980's teen-age valley girl voice). "Totally... you." and so on. I know, sickening, right?

So, last night he said "you're perfect" and my reply was "I know, right? Why don't other people know that? I think you should tell the world!" heheheeee

I know I'm nowhere near perfect but anyway... made me think of my favorite ad though I've never had that wine. I am the middle sister, Jan Brady, step aside! I have two older and two younger sisters.

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