About Carrie

Fish Out o' Water
In a nutshell, I'm a nut. OK, here I am. I love seeing pics of all your happy faces out there too!

I'm in my late forties and probably an unusual camper because I'm not outdoorsy. Some of my favorite things to do are draw in Photoshop, watch movies (especially animated ones like Cars, Ants, and Ice Age), and listen to older music with my headphones so it can be fairly loud and jump from one genre to another. I like light, funny TV shows too.

I finally started my Blogger Templates business, True You Templates that changed to Positively Digital to add desktop wallpapers. It's extremely time consuming to make responsive designs though. I'm working on it! I enjoy working in Excel too. (Update 8/19/2016 - Positively Digital is now closed.)

This little guy used to live in a plant on our porch when we lived in our apartment before the big move. "They" say that's good luck. Yeah, we think they're right.

Thank you for reading and I sincerely hope you're having a wonderful day and have an even better tomorrow!



  1. Stumbled upon your "True You Templates" and am impressed with the work that you have done.

    I have been a Fulltimer for 5 years now and have been putting together my web site since 2000. It has changed over the years and some of my early efforts are still in evidence. Nothing as skilled as what you have done but I have had fun with it over the years.

    Map building has been my challenge for the past couple of years. That has lead me into some Java Script and I see PHP with MySQL being forced upon me as I continue that effort.

    Good luck with the Blogger Themes business!

    1. Hi Ed,

      Wow, your site is amazing! What an interesting life you have. Fulltiming seems perfect for you!

      Thank you for the compliment on my work and the good luck too! The challenges are good for us, I think.

      Good luck with your maps and programming languages too! :)
